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On-Site Accessibility
(The Shakespeare Institute)
In order to help you feel comfortable and reassured about the accessibility of our spaces, you can find maps of every room used for papers at the conference, along with a Google Maps view into the space. This should help give you a better sense of what the building is like and what the presenting spaces are like.
We are always trying to make the conference more accessible, more open, and more responsive to the needs of both those giving papers and those watching. We’re not just talking about reasonable adjustments here – we want to make unreasonable adjustments. Along with making our spaces physically accessible, we’ll be providing a quiet space for those of us who might need some time out of the conference, and gender neutral toilets will be available. We don’t have a creche (unfortunately) but if childcare means you need to bring a child with you please do let us know. Please do get in touch with us if you’ve any questions or any particular requirements.