BritGrad 2021 Announcement
Dear Followers,
Thank you to all who submitted abstracts for this year’s conference! We are overwhelmed with the number of submissions we received and are looking forward to what is sure to be another fantastic conference.
We are pleased to announce that BritGrad 2021 will run as a five-day hybrid conference from Monday, 23rd August – Friday, 27th August. Monday, 23rd August through Wednesday, 25th August will be solely online, while Thursday, 26th August and Friday, 27th August will be in-person with plenary speakers and panels live-streamed for those participating in the conference from a distance.
Due to the ongoing uncertainty of the pandemic, the in-person portion of the conference will be limited to delegates living within the UK who have submitted abstracts and indicated their preference is to either present or attend online. Unfortunately, we are unable to accommodate in-person auditors at the moment in order to comply with health and safety regulations. If you have been selected to present in-person, you will be notified via email by our Registrar.
In the event of cancellation of the in-person portion of the conference due to Covid regulations, all plenaries and panels scheduled to present in-person will move online. We advise those attending in person to book accommodation and travel at their own risk, as BritGrad does not take responsibility for any cancelled bookings which may occur as a result of changing Covid guidelines. If we must cancel the in-person portion of the conference, we promise to give those attending as much prior notice as we possibly can.
Please continue to follow our Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook pages as well as for regular updates on the conference.
Thank you everyone to your enthusiastic responses to BritGrad 2021 so far! We look forward to meeting new participants online and in-person, as well as reconnecting with past BritGrad attendees. The BritGrad 2021 committee aims to deliver an equally fulfilling and inclusive five days of events for all participants online and in-person.
Very best,
The BritGrad 2021 Committee